Факультет мiжнародної економiки i менеджменту

Ethics and Trust in Finance prize17 Січня 2023р.

Teaching ethics in finance to students is challenging. How can we make ethics education meaningful, engaging and relevant? In the next of our Practitioner Insights webinars on Tuesday 17th January for university finance professors we are delighted share details of our range of free ethics learning resources for universities. We are joined by expert guest speakers from the much respected Observatoire de la Finance to explain the global ‘Ethics and Trust in Finance’ prize (for academics/research students) and highlight fascinating findings from former prize-winning papers.


Join your academic peers from Finance faculties around the world. Hear expert perspectives and share your own. (This event is not for students.)


Register here for either of two repeat sessions:


10am GMT (10am UK, 11am Paris, 6pm Beijing: https://global.cfainstituteevents.org/d/mlqlly/

4pm GMT (4pm UK, 5pm Paris, 11am NYC): https://global.cfainstituteevents.org/d/8lql1z/


Wishing you well,

Emma Holyer