- Faculties»
- Faculty of International Economics and Management»
- Departments»
- Department of European Economy and Business»
- Educational and Methodological Work
Educational and Methodological Work
Academic stuff of the Department employs innovative interactive methods of studies activation, discussions, team-work etc. The teaching methodology of the department is based on the following guidelines: scientific approach (the use of modern analytical models, most of which were elaborated by faculty members of our department), accessibility (teaching is in-line with the educational needs of the students), best achievement of our students’ personal aspirations (accounting for the professional orientation and students’ desire to obtain competence in the field of European integration). During the interdisciplinary training students of Master Degree Program “European integration” participate in micro-modeling of the Ukraine-EU convergence process, based on the use of didactic innovations in the individual spheres of personal interests of the audience.
Developing students' competence in the following domains:
- the methods of evaluation of dynamic and static effects of economic integration;
- the strategic aims, tasks, directions and sectoral priorities of the European Union development;
- the order, procedures, and allocation of financial resources for the realization of mega-regional (common) interests of the integration block;
- the mechanisms and instruments of sectoral and horizontal EU policies coordination;
- the algorithms of evaluation of the consequences of wide-range EU projects implementation.
Capacity building in the following strands:
- investigating the character and dynamics of financial and economic activities of European companies;
- determining the structure, character and implementation phases of joint Ukrainian - European projects;
- identifying the companies' organizational structures and investment mechanisms in the European sectoral markets;
- defining the regulative priorities in the systemic support for small and medium-sized businesses in the EU;
- evaluating the efficiency of managerial decisions in the process of corporate cultures diffusion.
Forming proficiency in the field of:
- planning, development and implementation of cooperative projects;
- strategic planning of companies’ activities within the European economic space;
- negotiating about the creation and realization of projects financed by the EU funds;
- harmonizing of regulative systems;
- organizing a systemic research of project deviations management efficiency.
Providing the students with competences, required for the exploitation of:
- the methodologies of evaluation of convergent dynamics of Ukraine − EU rapprochement;
- heuristic systems for forecasting of consequences of economic models convergence of Ukraine and EU Member States;
- instruments of realization of EU technical aid programs for Ukraine in the process of complementary accumulation of financial resources;
- coordination model of development of economic cooperation of Ukraine with the EU;
- the European system of evaluating the progress of rapprochement in the selective sectors of economy.
Last redaction: 17.02.25