Faculty of International Economics and Management

Research Work

   The scientific research of the Department's faculty represents the specifics of modern artistic discourse, in particular, the language creativity of Ukrainian writers; the peculiarities of the formation of the system of Ukrainian economic terms, which makes it possible to trace the dynamics of lexical processes recorded at the present stage of development of the Ukrainian literary language; ways to improve traditional language strategies of cross-cultural communication and the search for innovative methods of teaching language disciplines in a non-specialized higher education institution.  The main results of the scientific work are actively used in the educational process.
   The Department's scientific work aims to standardize and codify the language of modern economic discourse, deepen the scientific component of pedagogical dialogue, train future specialists focused on scientific activities, and introduce science-intensive, innovative technologies in content and form.
   The Department develops the subsection "National Language Resource in the Modern Global Business Environment" of the section "Multiculturalism in the Global Language Educational Space" (together with the language departments of the School) of the faculty research topic "Global Economic Development in the Formation of a Digital Society".
   The main areas of scientific work are:

- Research of modern economic discourse as a component of applied linguistics.
- Research of contemporary artistic discourse.
- Research of the lexical fund of the Ukrainian language (based on texts of different styles).
- Research of language strategies of cross-cultural communication.
- Culture of the Ukrainian language.
- Polish as a foreign language.
- Ukrainian as a foreign language.
- Ukrainian language in the information space.
- Innovative teaching technologies.

   A significant achievement of the Department in cooperation with scientists from other domestic and foreign universities is the preparation and publication of monographs that represent many years of research in the field of Ukrainian terminology, professional communication, and innovative methods of language teaching:

- Linguistic world of modern professional communication [Electronic resource]: monograph / [I. Kolesnikova, N. Krasnopolska, L. Malevych, V. Tovstenko, etc. L. Kozlovska; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.  Electronic text data. Kyiv: KNEU, 2022. 201 с. 
- Language educational technologies in the dimension of multiculturalism / [Bondarchuk L., Kumeiko T., Podgurska T., Lazarenko L., Sluchalna L., Syryko I.]: monograph; ed. L. Kozlovska; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.  Electronic text data. Kyiv: KNEU, 2023. 178 с. 

   Collaboration with partners is an essential component of the Department's scientific work. During their internships, the Department's teachers can participate in developing research topics for the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to update research on the language of modern economic discourse. Cooperation with the Scientific Council "Ukrainian Language" makes it possible to coordinate the scientific and educational work of the Department in the context of the concept of development of the Ukrainian language as the state language and the language of education. The exchange of scientific and methodological experience with relevant departments of national universities contributes to raising the pedagogical skills of the Department's teachers, searching for innovative teaching methods, improving traditional technologies, and creating language communication strategies at the national and international levels.


Last redaction: 11.02.25