Faculty of International Economics and Management

Educational and Methodological Work

   The innovativeness of the educational process lies in improving the content of the academic material, which should be problematic, cover the most relevant aspects of applied linguistics, and be based on a profound scientific basis, taking into account the latest theoretical research and practical developments in the field. This approach allows us to teach students to creatively perceive information, critically analyze, discuss, and defend their own opinions, and competently present the results of their research. The Department has developed programs for new courses and improved existing ones, prepared multimedia lectures in various disciplines, and created distance courses in all disciplines on the Moodle platform. The Department's teachers try to rationally activate modern training technologies to develop students' relevant language and professional competencies and actively use modern teaching technologies.
   Language learning in modern higher education is aimed at the formation and development of the following subject competencies:

  • communicative (mastering all types of language activities, the basics of oral and written language culture; basic skills of using language means inappropriate communication situations);

  • linguistic (acquisition of knowledge about language as a social phenomenon, enrichment of vocabulary, individual lexicon, mastering the basic norms of the literary language, ability to use reference and lexicographic literature);

  • cultural (awareness of language as an essential form of expression of the specifics of national culture and a means of cross-cultural communication).

   Accordingly, the Department prepares educational publications that are not only scientifically rich but also cover the material necessary for mastering the language classes and allow students to master it independently at the level of modern requirements.


Last redaction: 16.02.25