Faculty of International Economics and Management

Youth Economic Digest

The magazine has issued by Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman – self-governing (autonomous) research university since 2014 and entered the list of periodic electronic scientific publications of the university. The executive of the magazine is Scientific Society of KNEU.

The main objective of the edition is the promotion of economic knowledge, distribution of the results of scientific researches, distribution and introduction of scientific achievements in Ukraine and in the other countries of the world. The magazine is assigned for students, postgraduates, young scientists and experts who are interested in theoretical and practical problems of economy, management, the international relations, finance, business activity, account and audit.

The magazine conforms to requirements of State standard of Ukraine No. 7157: 2010 to electronic editions. It enters also the list of the scientific periodical press of National Library of Ukraine named after Vernadsky. After the first release it is planned to implement professional registration of the edition and provide an access to scientific and metric databases.

The scientific publication “Youth Economic Digest” is formed 4 times a year, after the editorial board selects the best articles that comes for posting on the official website of the magazine. Articles in UkrainianRussian or English are accepted. Publication cost – free!

To visit Magazine website, click the next link: http://med.kneu.edu.ua/?lang=en