Faculty of International Economics and Management

Nataliia Savchuk

Department:Department of International Finance
Teacher degree:professor
Degree:Doctor of Economics
Teaching Experience:30

Professional profile

Context skills: ability to achieve goals, strong organizational skills. Experience in developing, testing and implementation of business solutions and research projects.

Crosscontext skills: crossculturalism, ecological thinking, creativity, digital literacy, media  literacy, emotional intellect as a result – dynamic carrier, that demonstrates constants success in tutoring in higher education establishments.

Author of 85 publications in the field of Public Finance, Global Finance and Financial Markets; one monograph «Budget Priorities of Ukraine in Context of Social Choice».

Three articles were published in international scientific and metrical (SCOPUS and WEB of SCIENCE) editions.


Scientific degree–Doctor of Economic Science, speciality «Money, Finance and Credit».

Dissertation title «Budget Priorities of democratic society: world-wide theoretical and practical issues» was presented in Vadym Hetman Kiev national economic university in 2015.

Scientific rang– Professor of International Finance Department,Vadym HetmanKiev national economic university.

PhD Degree, speciality «Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit»,was presented in Kiev state economic university in 1993.Dissertation title «Public Debt of Great Britain: 1970-1990».

Valid academic posts:

Professor, Department of International Finance,Vadym Hetman Kiev national economic university.

Valid membership

Specialized academic council Д 26.239.02 for doctor’s dissertations presentations, speciality «Money, Finance and Credit» in Institute for economics and forecasting of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraineand Д 26.006.04 the same specialtyin Vadym Hetman Kievnational economic university


Member of International Academy of Business and Economics since 2017.Membership Award,  Las Vegas, USA$; member of International Atlantic Economic society since 2018, Atlanta, USA


Nataliya Savchuk «Macroecomic Influence in the Bond Market Development in Ukraine: Emergence, Trends and Perspectives»  Research underTACIS ACE Fellowship contract No.T95-4621-F. January1998 – July1998:

Nataliya Chirva (Savchuk) «Government Securities in an Imperfect Market» Research under TACIS ACE Fellowship contract No. T94-1401-F. October1995 – March1996.

International activities

Co-director of World Bank Program «Sound bank management: training of trainers program» for participants from post soviet union courtiers and bankers (September 1994-August 1995, November 1997- June 1998)


Bachelor level International Finance

Master level    International Financial Market

PhD Program  Global Financial Market

Research Interests

Public Finance

Global Financial Market

Public activities and professional evolution

Participation in course «Innovation in Education» (September, 12-19 , 2017) , Varna, Bulgaria.

Participation in the qualification enhancement program for the professors of higher educational establishments entitled «Publishing and project activity in the European Union countries: a bedside approach» organized by Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement, (July, 2-9, 2016), Prague, Check Repablic.

Participation in 9-th Forum «Ukraine-Europe», (January, 24-26, 2016) Lodz, Poland.


French, Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civisation Francaisrs (Paris, France)  EnglishB2 (Independent User Vantage), Vadym Hetman Kiev national economic university, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.