Faculty of International Economics and Management

Tetiana Frolova

Department:Department of International Finance
Position:Deputy Head of the Department of International Finance
Teacher degree:professor
Degree:Doctor of Economics
Teaching Experience:49
Education - Received higher economic education at the Kharkiv Engineering-Economic Institute, specialty "Accounting". PhD thesis on speciality "Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing" defended at the Crimean State Agrarian University in 1998. She worked as a lecturer of the Crimean faculty of Kyiv National Economic University, head of the Department of Finance of  "Crimean Business Institute", dean of faculty of  "European University", was as a director of department of Postgraduate Education of Ukrainian State University of Economics and Finance. Today - Doctor of Economics, Professor of International Finance department at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Teaches courses at the department: "Finance of international corporations", "International Financial Management", "Management of international investment projects"
21 December 2012, defended the doctoral dissertation on "Development of corporate strategies in the global investment environment."
Since December 2013 - Deputy Head of Department.