Faculty of International Economics and Management

Student Scientific Conference "Innovative Projects for Economic Revival and Competitive Development of Ukraine"08 May 2024р.

As part of the 91st Annual Student Scientific Conference "Innovative Projects for the Economic Revival and Competitive Development of Ukraine", on May 8, 2024, a sectional meeting was held in the online format of the Department of International Trade and Marketing platform - "Innovative Approaches to International Trade and Marketing Activities for the Economic Revival and Competitive Development of Ukraine".
The speakers - 3rd and 5th year students of the Faculty of International Economics and Management presented the results of their own research papers on topical aspects of international trade and marketing in the context of Ukraine's revival and competitive development, namely: 
  • "Supporting the country's international brand in the context of geopolitical turbulence" Dendeberia Daryna, 1st year master's student, MTM-502.Supervisor: Tsygankova T.M., Head of the Department of International Trade and Marketing, Doctor of Economics, Professor
  • "Programs of support of Ukrainian producers abroad" Andreyko Bogdan, 3rd year, MB-301. Supervisor: Lyskova L.M., Associate Professor of the Department of International Trade and Marketing, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • "Innovative approaches to the formation of the international brand of Ukraine: strategic priorities and challenges" Maksym Hedz, Tetiana Kuznetsova, 3rd year, ME-303. Supervisor: Gordieieva T. F., Associate Professor of the Department of International Trade and Marketing, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • "Popular geopolitics" in the formation of the national brand of Ukraine" Oleksandr Shtilgoiz, 3rd year, MB-301. Scientific supervisor: Lyskova L.M., Associate Professor of the Department of International Trade and Marketing, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • "International Marketing at the Turn of the Century: Challenges and Opportunities" Yelyzaveta Chyrykina, 1st year Master's student, MTM-502. Supervisor: Tsygankova T.M., Head of the Department of International Trade and Marketing, Doctor of Economics, Professor
The Head of the Department, Professor Tsygankova T.M., and Associate Professors Irynchyna I.B., Lyskova L.M., and Sandul M.S. joined the discussion.
The scientific achievements of the platform participants will be published in the university collection of conference abstracts.
We congratulate the applicants and their supervisors on the successful presentation of scientific works and wish them further scientific achievements!