Research WorkIn recent years, the teaching staff has been conducting its research in the area of research work carried out within the Faculty of MEiM - Complex Theme: ‘Global Economic Integration: Strategic Motivations, Formats, National Interests’ (state registration number 0116U001387), in particular, the direction of the department's research work: ‘Global trade integration: strategic motivations, formats, mechanisms’. Supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor T. Tsygankova. The scientific achievements of the department include more than 30 monographs, 16 textbooks and manuals, 700 scientific publications, including a number of articles in foreign publications, including more than 30 in SCOPUS and Web of Science databases, which are represented in Ukraine, the USA, Poland, Lithuania, Turkey, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Poland and other countries. The department has trained more than 28 candidates of economic sciences and is currently conducting 6 studies for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the format of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme. The department takes an active part in the scientific and innovative activities of the university, which resulted in registration in UkrSTI and the completion of a number of research initiative topics in 2019: ‘Commercial diplomacy in the paradigm of global economic policy’ (Scientific adviser - Prof. Tsygankova T.M., state registration number 0114U001920); “Global transformations of international and regional markets” (Scientific adviser - Assoc, State registration number 0114U001919); ‘Priorities and mechanisms for the formation of a global marketing system’ (Scientific adviser - Associate Professor Ishchenko A.V., state registration number 0114U001922) and ‘Determinants and imperatives of the development of the agricultural sector in the global trading system’ (Scientific adviser - Professor Yatsenko O.M., state registration number 0114U001921). In September 2023, the following research topics were registered: Global and regional contexts of agricultural trade in the modern model of the world economic order (supervisor - Prof. Yatsenko O.M., 0123U103767); Complementarity of international trade and sustainable development in the modern paradigm of global economic policy (supervisor - Prof. Yatsenko O.M., 0123U103768); Imperatives of trade and marketing activities in global markets (supervisor - Associate Professor Solodkovska H.V., 0123U103806). The department makes a significant contribution to the development of the scientific potential of young people and student science. For example, a student discussion club has been operating for many years; the section ‘International Trade and Marketing Activities’ of the KNEU conference is actively working every year; there are a significant number of joint publications with students in domestic and foreign publications. It should be noted that during six years (2014-2020) students under the guidance of Professor O. Yatsenko won 4 first prizes and 2 second prizes in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of ‘World Economy and International Economic Relations’. The Department of International Trade and Marketing develops various forms of scientific cooperation, including international cooperation, with core and non-core institutions to solve complex scientific problems and implement the results of research and development. With the direct participation of the Department, the University has concluded cooperation agreements with international research institutions from the USA (University of Missouri), Lithuania (Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius), Alexander Stulginskis University (Kaunas) and Georgia (International Academy of Social and Economic Sciences). The staff of the department received international grants, in particular, in 2016, Doctor of Economics, Professor O. Yatsenko received a grant for a research internship at the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the US Department of Agriculture and study (one semester) at the University of Missouri and familiarisation with the business practices of leading enterprises in California under the Faculty Exchange Programme for agricultural specialists. In 2017, she won the right to take the British Council's Researcher Connect Course module for researchers. The staff of the department are members of expert groups of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on trade policy and international trade; the International Academy of Social and Economic Sciences (Georgia); the global non-governmental organisation Apimondia; they are also members of the editorial boards of a number of scientific Ukrainian and international journals; and they have an active public position and are members of public organisations: NGO ‘International Centre for Smart Society Development’, Charitable Organisation ‘Foundation for Promotion of Social and Economic Development of Kyiv Region’, Charitable Foundation ‘Equality and Mutual Respect’, NGO ‘Petro Khmara Bee Protection Mission’. As part of the activities of the Centre for International Trade Development of the KNEU (Director - Doctor of Economics, Professor Tetyana Tsygankova), since 2004 the department has been publishing a bilingual (Ukrainian, English) scientific professional journal ‘International Economic Policy’ (Editor-in-Chief - Doctor of Economics, Professor Tetyana Tsygankova), which since 2012 has become a publication of the Institute of Global Economic Policy of the Faculty of International Economics and Management. The purpose of this publication was to create a platform for the dissemination of innovations of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners on institutional, trade, financial, investment, social, information and environmental issues of global economic policy. Therefore, the mission of the journal is to provide scientific and expert assistance in the formation and implementation of global economic policy on the basis of harmony and optimal use of world resources in accordance with the goals of sustainable development. Currently, the International Economic Policy journal is published twice a year in print and electronic formats and has its own website: The journal is included in specialised international scientometric databases, namely: EBSCO, ProQuest, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus, UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory, Academic Research Index (ResearchBib), Google Scholar etc. The department is in charge of another university-wide publication. The collection of scientific papers ‘Scientific Notes’ was founded in 1997 by Kyiv National Economic University. The purpose of the publication is to create a platform for the dissemination, exchange and structuring of scientific information, to provide an opportunity to publish the results of relevant research for scientists from Ukraine and other countries; to provide open access to scientific knowledge for scientists, students and interested professionals in the field of applied and fundamental economic science, economic management and regulation. Since February 2019, the editor-in-chief has been Professor of our Department, Doctor of Economics O. Yatsenko. During this time, the periodical has been included in such scientometric databases as: Research Bible; GoogleScholar; Ulrichsweb (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory); Vernadsky National Library, Open Academic Journals Index. The editorial board included leading professors from Georgia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Poland, the USA and Turkey. A bilingual website was created:та The main principles of the collection of scientific papers are based on the publication of research results in the field of fundamental and applied economics, which corresponds to the areas of specialisation (015, 051, 071, 072, 073, 075, 076, 281, 292). Both printed periodicals are included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine of category ‘B’ and each published material is assigned an international digital identifier DOI. The fruitful scientific work of the Department is also evidenced by the Acknowledgements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Acknowledgements of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of International Relations ‘for contribution to the development of the scientific potential of young people and assistance in the preparation of quality works for the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty “International Economic Relations” in 2018 and 2019; diplomas of KNEU “for a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity and on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the Department of International Trade and Marketing”. The generalised results of fundamental long-term research of the academic staff of the Department of International Trade and Marketing and their professional, scientific and public activities make a significant contribution to the development of the university, regions of Ukraine and establish the high authority of national science in the world. Last redaction: 22.01.25 |