Faculty of International Economics and Management

Debate Club05 Mart 2021р.

We truly thank Yuliia Ihorivna Sokol, the Second Secretary for Consular Affairs of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Arab Republic of Egypt, for an incredible guest lecture at the Discussion Club of the Department of International Trade and Marketing of KNEU!

We talked about the peculiarities of economic diplomacy, the peculiarities of the embassy and consulate work, diplomatic ranks and much more! The students plunged deeper into the ocean of diplomacy, and they also liked Ms. Sokol's life credo. She stressed that being a diplomat, and especially a consul, is not only a job, but a mission, and a lifestyle. "If you want to become a consul, be prepared for challenges and to drive 24/7. The responsibility for this work is high, but the "give back" is high as well, especially when it comes to success in helping citizens. And remember the 3C formula: self-control, calmness under pressure, commitment. There is no way one can practice consular service without that".