Faculty of International Economics and Management


1. Purpose, main objectives and subject of the discipline

"Intellectual leadership" as a science of Doctoral level of education involves graduate students` consistent mastering the key principles of intellectual leadership in all spheres of public life, which is one of the features that distinguish doctors from persons who have mastered the competencies of the Master's Degree.

The relevance of the discipline "Intellectual Leadership" is stipulated not only by the differences between levels of education, but also by the growing importance of the intellectual component of the modern world economic system development based on intelligence and knowledge. The effectiveness of intellectual activity is centred on the quality of scientific knowledge, which ensures successful economic decision-making, as well as the ability of researchers to act as leaders of modern transformations, innovators and guides of scientific progress.

Course purpose: to form the system of theoretical knowledge and ideas about the philosophy of intellectual leadership and the ability to use it in scientific knowledge and professional development.

Course objectives:

- to equip graduate students with knowledge of the latest paradigm of global leadership; 

- to teach students to analyse and define the current role of intellectual leadership in global economic development;

- to form understanding of the essence of the intellectualization of the global economy and the role of intellectual leadership in the economic development of countries and regions;

- to promote acquisition of knowledge about modern forms of global leadership and mechanisms of intellectualization of the world economy;

- to form in graduate students understanding of intellectual leadership nature and the ability to assess its impact on global economic development;

- to form understanding of the role of cross-cultural leadership in ensuring the innovative development of national economies;

- help to realize the logic, forms and mechanisms of the knowledge economy;

- to form understanding of mechanisms and tools of the modern system of global intellectual capital management;

- to equip graduate students with the ability to systematically assess global challenges for Ukraine in terms of developing the country's intellectual leadership;

- to develop in graduate students the ability to use the acquired knowledge in the scientific research and improve their self-development as a basic feature of the intellectual leader.

The subject of the course is the resources, factors and mechanisms for formation and implementation of intellectual leadership in the context of global economic development.


2. Research competencies

The discipline "Intellectual Leadership" is focused on formation of the following research competencies in graduate students:

- knowledge of the patterns, driving forces and vector orientation of intellectual leadership;

- ability to assess the scope and role of intellectual leadership in global economic development;

- knowledge of modern mechanisms of intellectualization of the global economy and the role of intellectual leadership;

- understanding of the prerequisites for formation of intellectual leadership and its impact on the development of the world economy;

- analysis of forms and mechanisms of intellectual leadership in improving the efficiency of innovation;

- knowledge of international policy in the field of intellectual capital management and the ability to evaluate its effectiveness;

- knowledge of the prerequisites and factors for forming intellectual leadership in the process of globalization;

- understanding of socio-economic transformation under the influence of intellectual leadership in terms of transition to the knowledge economy

- understanding of the basics of cross-cultural management analysis;

- understanding of Ukraine's place in the system of polycentric intellectual leadership;

- study of the intellectual component as a factor in the global development of socio-economic systems;

- ability to use the acquired knowledge in research activities.

The training curriculum of the discipline "Intellectual Leadership":

Educational materials for the discipline "Intellectual Leadership":

Last redaction: 12.02.25