Faculty of International Economics and Management

Dmytro Luk`ianenko

Department:Department of International Management
Teacher degree:professor
Degree:Doctor of Economics
Teaching Experience:38

In 1980, he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko (now the V.N. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University). In 1986, he defended his PhD thesis, and since 1990, he has been an associate professor. In 1996, he defended his doctoral thesis "Development of the national economy in the conditions of international integration," and since 1997, he has been a professor. From 1989, he headed the departments of International Economic Relations, International Economics, and International Management.

From 1995 to 2012, he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management. From 2013 to 2017, he served as the first vice-rector for scientific and educational work of the V.N. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.
In 2017-2022, he was appointed rector of the State Higher Educational Institution "V.N. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University" as elected through a competition in accordance with Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" under the terms specified in the contract. Since 2022, he has been the acting rector of the V.N. Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.

Honors and Awards:

  • HONORARY TITLE "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine" – Decree of the President of Ukraine – 2001.
  • LAUREATE OF THE AWARD of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after M.V. Ptukha (for the cycle of scientific works "Globalization and Integration of World Development") – 2001.
  • ORDER "For Merit" III degree – Decree of the President of Ukraine – 2006.
  • ORDER "For Merit" II degree – Decree of the President of Ukraine – 2012.
  • ORDER "For Merit" I degree – Decree of the President of Ukraine – 2015.
  • Awarded with a number of industry awards from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and the State Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine.

Areas of Activity:

  • Development of staff for structural subdivisions;
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of educational programs;
  • Innovative support of the educational process;
  • Defining priorities and organizing fundamental and applied scientific research;
  • Coordinating the work of the Scientific Park, research institutes, specialized academic councils, and editorial boards of scientific journals

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