Faculty of International Economics and Management

Department of International Management

The main priorities of International Management  Department is research of current trends of globalization of the world economy, corporate governance and strategic planning.

Staff of International Management Department is responsible for teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate level in specialty "International economy”.

The Department is actively working to attract prominent scientists and leading experts in the field of international economics, specialists with experience in scientific and technical work in problem-based learning and talented graduates of the faculty to the staff of the Department.

An important factor in the development of the Department is cooperation with Ukrainian Institute of Stock Market Development, Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the NAS of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and training of Masters in part-time and distance learning in the Master Training Center in KNEU.

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History of the Department

Created in 1996 on the basis of the Department of International Economic Relations, which was due, on the one hand, to the need for training of highly qualified personnel in the field of international business management, and on the other - to optimization of the structure of the Faculty in the process of transition to a multilayered system of education. The department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Dmytro G. Lukyanenko.

Currently the Department has 39 teachers, including - 5 Doctors of Economics, 6 Professors , 17 PhDs, 13 associate professors, 4 teachers; all of them are leading experts in the field of international management and global economy. Among them are well-known scientists both at home and abroad: Honoured Worker of Science of Ukraine, Winner of the National Academy of Science Award in Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Dmytro G. Lukyanenko; Honoured Professor of Harvard Business School (the USA), Winner of the National Academy of Science Award in Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ye. H. Panchenko , Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor B.V.Hubskyi, Professor P.H.Petrashko (President of the Treasury of Ukraine in 1997-2005 ).

The top staff of the Department is characterized by an active position in their professional activities relating to:

  • the scientific appraisal of international economists (direct participation in the specialized scientific councels - D.G.Lukyanenko, Ye.H.Panchenko, B.V.Hubskyi, T.V.Kalchenko, V.A.Biloshapka;
  • opposing and reviewing the qualification Master 's and Doctoral research;
  • publishing activity - D.G. Lukyanenko is the chief editor of the scientific journals "Security Market of Ukraine" and "International Economic Policy”,  Ye.H.Panchenko, B.V.Hubskyi, P.H.Petrashko, V.A.Biloshapka are the members of editorial boards of the above mentioned and other scientific journals);
  • expert and consulting activities at the macro level (Administration of the President of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine ) and in international organizations (European Commission of the United Nations, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and corporations (General Electric, British Petroleum, Coca -Cola ).
Faculty members

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