Research WorkThe members of the department carry out scientific research into:
The faculty has started the research into linguistic component of cross-cultural communication. The questions of forming foreign communicative competence in global cross-cultural environment are of particular importance. During the period from 1993 till 2010 the following faculty members defended their PhD theses: 1993-T.Korotych (philology), 1996 – V.Krukivskyi (philology), 2002–L.Chebotaryova (pedagogy), 2004– O.Kapustina (pedagogy), 2005 – N.Drab (pedagogy), 2009-L.Slychayna (politology), 2010 –T.Vasylyeva (philology). The department finalized the coursebook “Business English for economists” in 2010. It is an extensive business English course intended for use by the 3d and 4th-year students. It consists of: Part 1- “Questions of marketing” by O.Shevchenko, B.Ternova; The textbook “Business English. Oral and written communication” by O.Shevchenko was published in 2010. The coursebook “English for economists. Conversational topics” by O.Shevchenko, L.Chebotaryova, L.Borovetska, O. Churkina, M.Gavrysh, O.Tsyrkun, N.Sinitsina was released in 2008. The distance-learning course “Business English/French for Master’s students” by O.Shevchenko, O.Tsyrkun, V.Krukivskyi and L.Shpilkivska, contains authentic materials, writing tasks, links to websites as well as downloadable glossary of business terms. The course received the first prize at the National Educational Exhibition in 2000. In 2010 the department together with Institute of Higher Education at KNEU organized the series of lectures delivered to faculty members and KNEU students by Professor Groshek from Redlands University, California. The questions of global political economy, national policy coordination, exchange rates, international monetary system, multinational companies were discussed in an interactive way. The department cooperates with the colleagues from other universities, state organizations, scientific and research institutes. Last redaction: 24.01.25 |