PhD CoursesForeign Language for Academic Purposes Course Objective:The development of research skills and the enhancement of professionally oriented foreign language communicative competence to ensure effective communication in academic, scientific, and professional settings, as well as integration into the global academic community
Interdisciplinary Connections: Course Objectives: − Listening: Development of stable skills in perceiving and understanding monologic and dialogic speech by native speakers within scientific and professional topics. − Oral Communication: Enhancement of well-established skills in naturally motivated monologic and dialogic speech. − Reading: Further development of skimming, scanning, and in-depth reading skills based on original scientific literature in the respective field. − Translation: Oral and written translation from a foreign language into the native language is used as a tool for mastering the foreign language, developing reading skills, and ensuring an effective means of assessing comprehension accuracy and completeness. Translation skills are developed through the study of key aspects of translation theory and practice in scientific and professional literature, including language and style features, equivalence and analogy, translation transformations, compensation for translation losses, contextual shifts, word polysemy, similarities and differences in the meanings of international words, and "false friends of the translator," among others. − Academic Writing: Mastering the culture of academic writing in a foreign language in accordance with the conventions of modern scientific discourse, as well as acquiring the specifics of academic writing through the study of contemporary original scientific texts of various genres. Subject of the Course: As a result of studying this course, learners should acquire: − Academic knowledge of the features of foreign-language scientific texts, their genres within the respective field, requirements for writing dissertation chapters, scientific articles, descriptive and informative abstracts, summaries, and the specifics of their translation. − Pragmatic knowledge of technologies for conducting scientific communication in a foreign language. − Sociocultural knowledge of the sociocultural aspects of foreign language use, including cultural behavioral models, value systems, linguistic and communicative styles and strategies characteristic of different cultures, as well as an awareness of cultural and social differences and the development of a tolerant attitude toward them.
Last redaction: 24.03.25 |