Faculty of International Economics and Management

Faculty members

  • Olha Shevchenko
    Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, PhD
    Education : Graduated with honors from Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. (1979) Major in Philology (English) Doctorate in English Philology, (1985)Candidate...
    Olha Kapustina
    Deputy Head of the Department, Associate Professor
    Education 1971 - graduated from Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology,  qualification -philologist, English language...
  • Larysa Sluchaina
    Deputy Head of the Department, Associate Professor
    Education 1972-1980 — Chernivtsi State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty "Romance-Germanic Languages ​​and Literature (English)" academic...
    Nataliia Aleksandrova
    Associate professor
    Nataliia M. Aleksandrova Graduated from Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko Phd in Pedagogical sciences, dissertation dedicated to “The lecturer’s...
  • Liudmyla Chebotarova
    associate professor
    Graduated from Lviv Ivan Franko State University in 1971, philologist, Romano-Germanic languages and literatures. In 1995-1997 was Head of Translation Team as part of the World Bank...
    Nataliia Drab
    associate professor
    Associate Professor, Ph.D. Education: 1989 – 1994 Franko State Zhitomir Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages (English, German) 1994 – 1996 Hetman Kyiv National...
  • Lesia Hrytsiak
    associate professor
    Education: Diploma from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Field of Study: Romano-Germanic Languages and Literature Qualification: Philologist, Teacher of English and...
    Vasyl Krukivskyi
    associate professor
    Education. Graduated from Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1974, specializing in Romance-Germanic Languages. Qualified as a teacher of...
  • Inna Mashkova
    Associate Professor
    Education:  Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Teacher of French and English. Got her Doctorate in Pedagogy.  Dissertation on the topic  "...
    Oksana Romaniuk
    associate professor
    In 1991 Oksana Romaniuk graduated with honours from Kyiv State Teacher Training Institute for Foreign Languages specialising in foreign languages (two languages) and having the...
  • Tetiana Vasylieva
    associate professor
     - Candidate of sciences in Philology, associate professor at the Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of International Economics and Management (Kyiv  National...
    Maryna Aleinikova
    senior lecturer
    Education: 1994-1999: Kyiv National Linguistic University, 1999, philologist, teacher of Spanish and English and foreign literature Work experiences: 1999-2007 - I Kyiv State...
  • Svitlana Bobrivnyk
    Senior Lecturer
    Faculty of International Economics and Management Department for Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication  Education Chernivtsi State University, 1991...
    Svitlana Fedorenko
    senior lecturer
    Education Graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1984 , specializing in Romance-Germanic Languages and Literature , and earned the Philologist and Teacher...
  • Svitlana Haiduchenko
    senior lecturer
    Foreign Languages Department  Faculty of International Economics and Management  Job title : Senior University Teacher of Business English and ESP Educational...
    Olena Korol
    senior lecturer
            1976-1981           Kyiv Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ,          ...
  • Tetiana Kostiuk
    senior lecturer
    Senior Language Instructor. Education: 2000-2005 Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.department of International Economics and Management 2002-2005 Drahomanov Kyiv...
    Liudmyla Kravchenia
    senior lecturer
    Education. Graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1991. Philologist, teacher of English and French. Work experience From 1991 to 2020, she was a teacher,...
  • Liubov Kucher
    senior lecturer
    Education. Graduated from Chernihiv State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1972 with a degree in English. Teacher of English. Work experience. Since 1993, she...
    Liubov Leshсhenko
    senior lecturer
    Senior University Teacher of Business English and ESP , Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of International Economics and Management Track Record : 39 years Education...
  • Inna Lobetska
    Senior Lecturer
    Senior Lecturer. Work experience - 32 years. Graduated from Zhytomyr Teachers’ Training Institute named after Ivan Franko, the faculty of foreign languages in 1993. Has been working...
    Olena Markova
    senior lecturer
    Education 1977- 1982 рp.: Kyiv State Teachers' Training Institute of Foreign Languages (now Kyiv National Linguistic University), full-time course, English Department, Degree in...
  • Hanna Melnyk
    Senior Lecturer
    Education background : Kyiv State University (1978-1983); Graduate Degree in Romance and Germanic languages and literature; Awarded Qualification: philologist, teacher of English and...
    Ivanna Morozova
    senior lecturer
    Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1990 with a degree in Romance-Germanic Languages and Literature . Qualified as a philologist, teacher of English, and translator...
  • Iryna Palesika
    senior lecturer
    Education Background: Kiev National Linguistic University (1994-1999) Degree in Romano-Germanic languages and Literature Kiev State University of  Finance Master`s Degree in...
    Nataliia Shamkhalova
    senior lecturer
    Graduated from  Kyiv National University  named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1972. Worked as a school teacher in a secondary school. Since 1973 up to 2020 worked at Kyiv National...
  • Tetiana Shmatok
    senior lecturer
    Department: Department of foreign languages and cross-cultural communication of FIEaM Position: Senior teacher Teacher degree: - Degree: - Experience: 44 Biography: Education:...
    Nadiia Sinitsyna
    senior lecturer
    Education : Higher philological education (1973 – graduated with honors from Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages). Extensive experience in translation and...
  • Iryna Tepliuk
    senior lecturer
    Department: Foreign Languages and Cross-cultural Communication Department International Economics and Management Faculty Job Title: Senior Teacher of English Education Background:...
    Olena Tsyrkun
    senior lecturer
    Education  Higher Philological Education (Graduated with honors from Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute (1990 ) Higher Economic Education (Graduated with honors ...
  • Viktoriia Turchaninova
    senior lecturer
    Graduated from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University. Philologist. Lecturer in French and English. Worked as a French language...
    Zhanna Vorobiova
    senior lecturer
    Education Kyiv State University named after T.Shevchenko (1991), Department of Russian Language as Foreign - 8.02030302  “Language and Foreign Literature*(Russian,...
  • Tetiana Davydenko
    senior lecturer
    Education: 1993-1998 - graduated from Kyiv National Linguistic University with honours and obtained a qualification as a philologist, teacher of German and English and foreign...
    Iryna Kondruk
    Senior Lecturer of Business English and ESL
    Education: Kyiv National Linguistic University – Qualification: Philologist, Teacher of English and German. Kyiv International University – Earned a Master’s degree in...