Research WorkSystemic research of an essence, dynamics, and character of global integration processes and the role of international business in them are the principle priorities of the European Integration Department research activity. The academic staff of the Department provides researches in the three basic directions: modern integration models; development and realization of sector strategies and horizontal policies of the European Union; integration policy of Ukrainian in the system of geo-economic coordinates. The academic staff of the department has written over 450 scientific papers, published in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Turkey, the UK and other countries. Research work of the department is carried out within the framework of the theme “National development strategies in the paradigm of global economic policy”. The staff of our Department focuses research on Chapter 4 “Imperatives of global integration processes”. Head of the research activity of the Department is Ph.D., D.S., Professor Viktor Chuzhykov − Head of the Department of European Integration. Our Department has strong scientific connections with a number of scientific and educational institutions. The conclusion of Cooperation Agreement between Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University and Cracow University of Economics in 2007 opened possibilities for interdepartmental and interfaculty cooperation between the two leading scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland. Jointly organized conferences, round tables, numerous joint publications created a fundamental background for diversification of scientific contacts between the Faculty of International Economy and Management (KNEU) and the Faculty of Economy and International Relations (Cracow University of Economics). The result of the abovementioned cooperation is the publication of the first fundamental joint monograph, which saw the world in Poland in 2009 under the title: “Konwergencja modelі ekonomіcznych Polska i Ukraіna / Redakcіja naukova Mіchal Gabrіel Woznіak, Vіktor Іvanovych Chuzhykov, Dmytro Grygorovych Lukіanenko. - Krakow: Fundacja Unіversytetu Ekonomіcznego w Krakowіe, 2009. - 716 s” and in Ukraine: “Convergence of economic models of Poland and Ukraine. monograph./ Ed. by D.G.Lukyanenko, V.I. Chuzhikov, M.G. Wozniak etc. - K: KNEU, 2010. - 719 p.” In September, 2010 the administration of the two higher educational institutions has agreed to translate the book into English language after additional editing. THE LIST OF ACTIVE PH. D. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS:Modern integration models:
Development and realization of sector strategies and horizontal policies of the European Union:
Integration policy of Ukraine in the system of geo-economic coordinates:
Last redaction: 13.01.25 |