Publications: | Total number of publications:over 100 scientific and educational works Publications in periodicals included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, in scientometric databases, including Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection1. Tsymbaliuk S., KurchenkoL., TokarV., Vinska O. and ShkodaT.(2020). Gendered perceptions of professional development in academia: evidence from a Ukrainian university. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(1), 394-404. doi:10.21511/ppm.18(1).2020.34(1,08 д.а.) (SCOPUS) 2. Vinska, O., & Tokar, V. (2021). Cluster analysis of the European Union gender equality and economic development. Business, Management and Economics Engineering Journal. Vol. 11, № 2. Pp. 373-388. DOI: 10.3846/bmee.2021.15382 (SCOPUS, Web of Science) 3. Vinska, O., & Tokar, V. (2021). Female economic participation and dynamics of GDP per capita in EU Member-States. Scientific Notes of the University "KROK". No. (2 (62). P. 19–26. Ukrainian) 4.Vinska O., Harbuza T., Teslenko N., Tokar V. (2023). Gender Dimension of the European Union’s Communication Ecology Problems in High-Technology Sectors. In: Alareeni, B., Hamdan, A. (eds) Explore Business, Technology Opportunities and Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic. ICBT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 495. Springer, Cham. pp 1303–1315 (1 д.а., автору – 0,25 д.а.) (SCOPUS) 5. Tokar, V., Vinska, O., Novak, N., Sierova, L. (2023). Clustering EU Member-States and Ukraine by Female Empowerment in Business. In: Hamdan, A., Harraf, A., Buallay, A., Arora, P., Alsabatin, H. (eds) From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 470. Springer, Cham. (SCOPUS) 6. Vinska, O., Tokar, V., Novak, N. (2024). Female Empowerment in Business: Clustering EU Member States and Candidate Countries. In: Khamis Hamdan, R., Hamdan, A., Alareeni, B., Khoury, R.E. (eds) Information and Communication Technology in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable and Equal Opportunity. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 38. Springer, Singapore. pp 91–104 (SCOPUS) Patents and copyright 1.Certificate of registration of copyright and work No. 90304 dated 01.07.2019 Theses “Female empowerment in Academia: case of EU grants at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman” 2.Certificate of registration of copyright and work No. 90302 dated 01.07.2019 Article “Economic opportunity and participation gender gap in EU member-states” 3.Certificate of registration of copyright and work No. 90300 dated 01.07.2019 Article “Interdependence of gender equality and innovative competitiveness of EU countries” 4.Certificate of registration of copyright and work No. 90301 dated 01.07.2019 Article “European values in CSR of banking business: Ukrainian dimension of gender equality” 5.Certificate of copyright registration and work No. 90303 dated 01.07.2019 Article “The Compliance with the EU value of Gender equality in Ukrainian Universities: does the glass-ceiling exist in KNEU?” Popular science and/or scientific and expert publications on scientific or professional topics, conference proceedings and abstracts1. Vinska O. Y. GENDER EQUALITY IN THE SYSTEM OF PRIORITIES OF INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION // Inclusive economic development in the context of today's global challenges: materials of the international scientific and practical online conference. Kharkiv, February 1–28, 2020 / Kharkiv. National University of Urban Economics named after O. M. Beketov. – Kharkiv: KhNUMG named after O. M. Beketov, 2020. – 229 p. (pp. 25-27) (0.13 d.a.)(in Ukrainian) 2. Vinska O. Y. PRIORITIZATION OF THE VALUE OF GENDER EQUALITY AMONG YOUTH: CASES OF UKRAINE AND EU COUNTRIES// “Traditions and innovations in the development of modern sociological science: research by young scientists” [Electronic resource]: collection of materials of the 1st All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (Kyiv, February 26, 2020) – K.: KNEU, 2020 – 327 p. (pp. 193-195) (0.11 d.a.)(in Ukrainian) 3. Vinska O. Y.INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARKING OF THE GENDER EMPLOYMENT GAP IN THE EU// ¿Administrative-territorial vs economic-spatial borders of regions? [Electronic resource]: materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (March 19-20, 2020). – Kyiv: KNEU, 2020. – 568 p. (pp. 482-484) (0.17 d.a.)(in Ukrainian) 4. Vinska O. Y. Peculiarities of the Economic Empowerment of Women in the EU// Ukraine and the World: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of International Relations: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, April 8–9, 2020 / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv. National University of Culture and Arts; editors: M. M. Poplavsky (chair), Kostyrya I. O. (deputy chair) [and others]. – Kyiv: Publishing Center of KNUKiM, 2020. – 332 p. (pp. 131-135) (0.16d.a.)(in Ukrainian) 5. Vinska O. Y. GENDER EQUALITY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE EU//Ukraine and the world: theoretical and practical aspects of activity in the field of international relations: materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference, Kyiv, May 17–18, 2023 / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv. National University of Culture and Arts; editors: M. M. Poplavsky (chair), Kostyrya I. O. (deputy chair) [and others]. – Kyiv: Publishing Center KNUKiM, 2023. – 300 p. (pp. 181-184 ) 0.2 d.a.(in Ukrainian) 6. Vinska O. Y. FEATURES OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EU. Financial instruments for sustainable economic development: materials of the 6th international scientific and practical conference (Chernivtsi, April 18, 2024). Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi. National University named after Yu. Fedkovych, 2024. 440 p. (pp.410-413) 0.2 d.a.(in Ukrainian) 7. Vinska O.Y. PECULIARITIES OF THE WOMEN’S REPRESENTATION IN KNEU TOP MANAGEMENT . Ensuring gender equality and inclusion in the academic environment: Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 30, 2024) [Electronic resource] / ed. col.: Kozhura L.O., Ryzhuk Yu.M., Bogdanets A.V., Vlasenko V.V. – K.: KNEU, 2024. 316 p. p.45-49 8. Vinska O.Y. FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GENDER QUOTAS IN EU BUSINESS / Trajectory of business development, management and law in conditions of global risks: collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference (Kyiv, May 23-24, 2024) / edited by O. V. Bezpalenko, Ph.D., associate professor – Kyiv: Kyiv University of Market Relations, – Kyiv 2024. – 372 p. p. 57-59(in Ukrainian) 9. Vinska O.Y. FOSTERING FEMALE EMPOWERMENT THROUGH PAY TRANSPARENCY: INSIGHTS FROM THE EU. Legal support for human rights in a global dimension: equal opportunities, inclusion and combating violence: Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (November 27, 2024) [Electronic resource] / ed. col.: Kozhura L. O., Ryzhuk Yu. M., Bogdanets A. V. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2024. 499p. p.45-48. |