Faculty of International Economics and Management

European Integration

  Master Degree Program “European integration”, founded in 2005, is an exclusive specialization in training of international economists for their further professional occupation at supranational, national, regional and business levels. More than 100 students have graduated from the program. The uniqueness of Masters training is in building competence for doing business in the EU Member States, developing the ability to work in conditions of high competitive pressure and strict regulation of activities in different sectors of the continental market.

Successful completion of normative and special courses, competent defense of Master Degree Diploma, and participation in international scientific and educational projects of the Department (student exchanges, international conferences, workshops, consulting projects, research papers, student educational competitions) allow graduates of the Master Degree Program “European Integration” in addition to the state Master Degree Diploma to receive the international certificate of expert in the field of European integration, granted by the nongovernmental organization “European Integration Promotion Foundation”.

Graduation Department: Department of European Integration

Professional orientation of specialized disciplines. To work effectively on a large and promising market of the European Union future professionals should obtain knowledge of the essence, stages and directions of European integration, functions of the EU institutions, EU budget procedures, mechanisms and instruments of common agricultural, regional, social, monetary, competition, industrial, technological, commercial policies, common foreign and security policy, development strategies of the EU, which altogether determine the environment for doing business in the EU.

Masters in European Integration obtain professional competence in:

  • evaluation of dynamic and static effects of economic integration, as well as the effects of large-scale European Union projects;
  • identification of directions of business restructuring on micro level in major EU sectors in terms of deepening regional integration;
  • strategic planning of companies’ activities within the European economic space;
  • determining the organizational structure and company’s investment mechanisms in European sectoral markets;
  • the process of  negotiation and implementation of projects financed by the EU funds;
  • analyzing mechanisms and instruments of the main European commodities and services markets in the context of horizontal and sectoral EU policies;
  • application of the European evaluation system of convergence progress in selective economic sectors;
  • design of cooperative Ukrainian-European projects and identifying their contents, structure, character and stages of implementation.

Interdisciplinary  training is a three-day cycle of practical classes (36 hours) during which students gain practical experience in complex appliance of analytical and practical skills based on second semester’s specialized disciplines. The purpose of the training is to facilitate the undergraduates with complex professional skills and expertise needed for the independent selection and justification of the starting point for the future professional occupation in a particular area of international economic relations by means of updating their knowledge gained in the flow of study of normative and specialized disciplines and via the development of analytical, creative and communication skills, used in the didactic model of practical economic activity.

Master Degree research areas:

1. Mechanisms and instruments of sectoral and horizontal policy coordination.
2. Impact of sectoral markets integration on the transformation of business models in the EU.
3. Strategic planning of the company within a common European economic space.
4. Management of joint Ukrainian-European projects.
5. Support system for the small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU.
6. Priorities and mechanisms of economic cooperation between Ukraine and EU.

Key internship host-organizations: ministries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine), agencies and other state authorities of Ukraine, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, foreign funds, the public organization “European Integration Promotion Foundation”, the Ukrainian branches of European multinational companies.

Future employment: civil servants of government institutions, experts, analysts, consultants, managers of international companies, experts in business organization in the EU.

The high-quality Masters training is proved by the successful employment of our graduates in the last six years: in government agencies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, etc.) in the leading European multinational corporations («Rehau», «Siemens» (Germany), Hilti (Ukraine) Ltd (Liechtenstein), «AJC Development» (France), «FineTime LTD» (Great Britain) and others.

Master Degree Program “European integration”

Name of the discipline


Normative (basic) disciplines


International management

Doctor of Economics, Professor Panchenko Y.G.
PhD, Associate Professor Petrashko L.P.
PhD, Associate Professor Pakhomov S.Y.
PhD, Associate Professor Zahorodniy I.P.


International strategies of economical development

Doctor of Economics, Professor Chuzhykov Viktor
PhD, ProfessorTatarenko Natalia
PhD, Associate Professor Tkalenko Svetlana
PhD, Senior Researcher Viter Iryna


Human resource management

PhD, Associate Professor Konovalov Y.I.
PhD. Senior lecturer Vonberh T.V.


Global economy

Doctor of Economics, Professor Kalchenko T.V.
PhD, Associate Professors: Omelchenko R.V., Ryabets N.V., Tymkiv I.V.


Management of international competitiveness

Doctor of Economics, Professor Antoniuk L.L.,
Doctor of Economics, Professor Shvydanenko O.A.

 Special training module


European integration policy

Doctor of Economics, Professor Chuzhykov Viktor


European Business 

PhD, Associate Professor Fedirko Oleksandr


European project management

PhD, Associate Professor Tkalenko Svetlana


European strategy of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor Tkalenko Svetlana

Practical training module


Interdisciplinary training

Doctor of Economics, Professor Chuzhykov Viktor



Faculty of the Department of European integration, external experts


Master Degree Diploma paper


Last redaction: 07.07.17